Pythia - The Poet Speaks

Pythia arose from The Education of a Young Gentleman, a nonfiction short story which tells of the late-night encounter between a 19-year-old boy and a 29-year-old married woman in a highly charged sexual atmosphere. 

Pythia says something about the strange magic of the woman and the encounter; the fusing of the mythological and the personal into an alternative world which is unattainable at the conclusion of the poem.

My style tends to be sardonic. My words tend to be concrete. They don't caress each other. A word carves out a cultural niche; the poem takes you into that world and those niches, though not always what the writer has in mind. 

My first sense of literature was from 19th century writers. My introduction into culture and politics was high school Latin. Pythia owes much to Lesbia, Vanity Fair, and Prufrock. 

Poetry invites you to let loose; Pythia seeks power and sensuality.
