
Showing posts with the label Black Virgin Mountain


“The great question is: How can we win America's peace?”—Richard Nixon, Address to the Nation on the War (November 3, 1969) J. R. and I hopped on the world stage when we walked down the steps of a Flying Tiger 707 at Cam Ranh Bay, a beautiful seaside base, 180 miles NE of Saigon. We had no idea we were in Viet Nam, just “You are now in the Republic of Viet Nam.” Commies weren't coming for us, we were coming for them. Neither poets nor conquerors, we were gonna make a statement, even a bad one. Funny people, strange smells, nothing I could have invented. The weather was nice. No flowers or open arms; a marine picked us up in a jeep with a machine gun on the back.  Ten minutes later,  we were quartered in a 2-story wooden building , sharing a room with fifty other guys. We picked out beds from scattered empties, and lived out of duffel bags. Each morning after chow, the guys in the barracks lined up outside in roll call formation. A bitch box (bullhorn) called out names. Done fo...